Monday, May 7, 2018

Design-An-App Project - U1L09 CS Discoveries MP4 S2 17-18


To conclude their study of the problem solving process and the input/output/store/process model of a computer, students will propose an app designed to solve a real world problem. This project will be completed across multiple days and will result in students creating a poster highlighting the features of their app that they will present to their classmates. A project guide provides step by step instructions for students and helps them organize their thoughts. The project is designed to be completed in pairs though it can be completed individually.


This project combines the two major themes of Unit 1, problem solving, and the input-output-store-process model of a computer. This project ties both themes to a broader goal of identifying real world problems and finding ways to use technology to help solve them. Students collaborate in the creation of their app and also take part in a structured peer review process that they will see many more times throughout the course. This project should be a fun and creative experience as well, and gives students a chance to tie the field of computer science to their own interests and ambitions.


CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards

AP - Algorithms & Programming
  • 2-AP-10 - Use flowcharts and/or pseudocode to address complex problems as algorithms.
  • 2-AP-15 - Seek and incorporate feedback from team members and users to refine a solution that meets user needs.
  • 2-AP-18 - Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts.
CS - Computing Systems
  • 2-CS-02 - Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.
RUBRIC: Where did you see Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Problem-Solving,
and Persistence as you created your new Application?  Be prepared to show these in your
presentation as a self-critique with the class.  Use the Rubric Criteria below to refine your
ideas, and the final project prior to the presentation.
The problem is well-defined, including a target audience, details of the problem, and how to tell it has been solved.

The app is clearly described including what it does and why someone would use it.

The outputs of the app are clearly described and could be used to address the problem.

The inputs of the app could be used to produce the outputs.

The way that the information is processed to produce the output is clearly described.

Stored information is listed and is appropriate for the functionality of the app.

The peer review provides useful and constructive feedback.

Peer review feedback has clearly been incorporated into the final version of the project.

The final presentation includes all information required by the project guide.

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

NGPF 2018 PAYBACK Challenge MP4 S2 17-18

Featured in the New York Times, our paying-for-college game PAYBACK has been played by over 150,000 students in just 3 months since launch! Teachers are saying, “It was an amazing game. All of my students were so highly engaged that it was time to go to lunch and none of them wanted to leave," AND "They loved that the game made them confront the money challenges of college but also helped them build the skills to survive and thrive.”  

Here is how to play (Yes, This is a class assignment as well):

Students Play PAYBACK
Students Write Short Essay (GOOGLE DOCUMENT)
  • Use this Essay Template to collect 250 word essays that respond to this writing prompt: 
    "How could you use the online game, PAYBACK, to have a conversation with your parent/guardian about paying for college?"
  • CRITERIA: Essays will be evaluated by NGPF staff based on the following:

    • Indicates an understanding of key concepts learned by playing the game PAYBACK.
    • Addresses concerns their parents/guardians may have about this sensitive topic.
    • Takes a creative approach to engaging parents/guardians in a conversation about college.
R-Repeat The Question, A-Answer The Question, C-Cite Your Evidence/Examples,

E-Explain Your Evidence/Examples, S-Summarize Your Thought (Wrap-Up)

SHARE Your Essay With Mr. Scribner ( For Credit!


Scholars will use the online simulation "PAYBACK" to begin learning about the basics of how the choices they make for higher education can affect them financially.  This simulation, and associated standards for this assignment, will help them meet PA CEW Academic Standards, and also help students hone their skills for writing and information retention after participating in the simulation.  Students should reflect on this simulation, and use it as a prompt for conversation at home about the real costs associated with higher education, careers, and their future choices.


Scholars will follow all directions log into their Google Account and then begin working on the NexGen Personal Finance Simulator (PAYBACK).  Scholars will spend 15-20 minutes completing the simulation.  When complete, scholars will download a copy of their final worksheet.  This image will be uploaded to their "CEW Evidence 515" folder in their Google Drive and SHARED, for credit, 

with Mr. Scribner (  Scholars will then create a GOOGLE DOCUMENT titled 
"(LastName) PAYBACK P? S2" and write a 250-word essay using the prompt listed above.  
Scholars may use the EXAMPLE for reference, but must write this essay in their own words.
The essay must be SHARED with Mr. Scribner ( for credit as well.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

SPENT: A NEXTGEN Personal Finance Simulation Project (Middle School) CCS S2 17-18

If you do not finish all assigned tasks before the end of the class, you must complete them on your own time.  If you are finished early you may work on anything previous assignment you owe for class , khan academy, (lessons only), or work for another class.

The Inquiry below is intended to help introduce students to the decisions people have to make everyday when they are living paycheck to paycheck. The Supplemental Resources are provided only to support the Inquiry, but the Inquiry is a comprehensive lesson on its own.

In this Inquiry, students will use a simulator to roleplay an adult trying to make ends meet when they don’t have a surplus of finances. In the process, students will learn about how their decisions impact the people around them and their ability to pay for the necessities each month as well as the pressures and decisions that many people face in this situation. Through this Inquiry, they will learn to use wise spending and saving habits, empathize with those dealing with the living wage, and assess the options people have when they are having financial difficulties.

Make Sure You Click On The ROLEPLAY Inquiry Simulation Link Below, Click FILE and MAKE A COPY, and SHARE it with Mr. Scribner ( for credit!

Learning Objectives:
  • Students will experience the circumstances of budgeting on the living wage.
  • Students will reflect on the impact of the decisions they made in order to learn from them for the future.
  • Students will explore the difficulties of living paycheck to paycheck and learn from the options they face as well as mistakes they make.
  • Students SHOULD Play the Game a SECOND Time after recording their answers to more fully understand some of the alternate choices in the simulation.

Complete The Google Document Worksheet As You Complete The Online Simulation. Please Answer All Questions In COMPLETE SENTENCES! Try to use the R.A.C.E Response Method (Repeat the question, Answer the question, Cite your evidence/examples, Explain your evidence/examples) Make sure you SHARE the Google Document with Mr. Scribner ( for credit.


Alignment to Anchor Standards for Reading:
Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it.
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words..

Alignment to Jump$tart Spending and Saving Standards:
1b: Analyze how spending and saving behavior can affect overall well-being.
1c: Discuss the components of a personal spending plan, including income, planned saving, and expenses.  
Alignment to Jump$tart Risk Management and Insurance Standards:
1b: Predict the consequences of accepting risk with insufficient or no insurance.
1c: Illustrate how to use insurance to share the risk of financial loss.
Supplemental Resources:
*Note: These supplemental resources are a work in progress and will be finalized soon!

Video: Just In Case
This video from Cha-Ching is a fun way for students to explore why they should think about having an emergency fund or getting insurance in case issues they can’t plan for arise!
Suggested Follow Up Questions: 1) What are some examples of reasons you might need an emergency fund or insurance from the video? 2) Why do you think people say “plan for the worst” based on what you learned from the video?

Interactive: PlayInsure
This game allows students to learn about Auto Insurance and Homeowner's Insurance by letting them roleplay as an insured party  that encounters many different scenarios. This allows students to see the different plan options, why insurance costs a certain amount, and when it is useful. Since the game is created by the Texas Department of Insurance, it focuses on that state, but it is a great learning tool for students regardless of location.
  • Teacher Tip: Both the Auto Insurance and Homeowner’s Insurance games are very long (30 days) so they are quite repetitive. You might want to tell the students to play for something like 10-15 days!

Video: Payday Loan Advertisement
This Payday loan advertisement tries to sell people payday loans. In the process, it outlines why payday loans exist and why someone living paycheck to paycheck might feel the need to use one. Students might not understand what the big issue with payday loans is given the tone of the video, so discussion afterwards will help them understand.
Suggested Follow Up Questions: 1) How are payday loans different from borrowing money for something like college or a house? 2) Why might someone be searching for a loan like this? 3) What are the 2 qualifications needed to get a payday loan? Why do you think the companies don’t require more info from the borrower? 4) What do you think are the downsides of taking out a payday loan?

Comprehension Questions: Spent Kahoot
This kahoot is a fun way to assess students on their understanding of the terms and concepts they learned in this lesson.
This project taken directly from

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