Friday, September 20th Lesson Plan:
Standards: AC-ADDI-4: Prepare residential floor plans.
4.1 Research and describe general codes related to floor plans.
4.2 Sketch to scale residential floor plans.
4.3 Draw dimensioned floor plans using appropriate symbols.4.4 Apply appropriate dimensioning rules.
4.5 Incorporate aspects of sustainable and universal design.
4.6 Demonstrate the use of the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software related to residential floor plans problem solving.
Using the "AUTOCAD-Style" planning and layout tools in student must create a floorplan for a "hypothetical" room. The room must have the following items:
1. Walls: 10-feet high x 5-3/4" thick. Any dimensions L x W. Subdivided spaces can be created.
2. Entryway (Doors): Must have at least one Exterior Door. Interiors must have doorways, openings, or closet doors.
3. Windows: Windows should exist on all Exterior Walls
4. Furniture: Rooms should be furnished with at least one piece of furniture each.
5. Flooring: Please identify a floor pattern of some kind.
Projects should be viewed online as 2D and 3D renderings. Please take at least 1 (Snipping Tool) image of each wall view, and an overhead view. Upload Images into a file on Google Drive and SHARE the folder with me for credit.
Students will be able to Log-In, Create, Share and Collaborate with Google Drive and the Google Suite of Applications. Students will learn how to create basic architectural drawings using the online design tool. Students will use class time to review the tools and capabilities of this application for future use in projects for this class.
Students will enter the class quietly and quickly. Student will Log-In to Google and Open their Google Drive. Students will participate in a class tutorial about accessing, creating and collaborating with the Google Suite of Applications. Students will also learn to use the Windows-Based Snipping Tool! Students will complete the lesson by Uploading and Sharing files for credit. Once completed, students may work on CODE.ORG,, Prodigy Math, Khan Academy, or other educational activities to help with RTII (See Link in the list to the right: RTII MATH, ELA, READING)
Standards Covered In This Class
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2017