Sunday, November 24, 2019

Be Internet Awesome 19-20 S1

DO NOW:  Review "THE INTERNET CODE OF AWESOME" page  When you have finished, open your Google Sites Student Portfolio and go to your Journal Page.  Create a NEW journal entry and write a paragraph (3-4 Sentences) to answer the following question(s):

Be Internet Awesome / Fundamentals - 20 November 2019
Please list the five (5) Internet Fundamentals in your journal post.  Please explain why these fundamentals are important, and a few sentences about why you should keep yourself safe while online.

Make sure you use the "R.A.C.E.S." method when you answer the questions above in your journal.  (R - Repeat the question, A- Answer the question, C - Cite Evidence supporting your answer, E - Explain Evidence or show Examples, S - Summarize your thoughts or conclusions.)

Instructor:  If possible, please show the following video in class after students have had sufficient time to complete the DO NOW (Students may also watch the video independently with headphones prior to continuing the lesson): (Click WATCH VIDEO)

To make the most of the Internet, kids need to be prepared to make smart decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Students should now go to INTERLAND (Click Here) and complete "the digital adventure that puts key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice".  Make sure you click on the SETTINGS Icon in the lower right corner and TURN OFF HD Mode so it runs a little faster.  Complete as many items in Interland as possible during class.  Print the BE INTERNET AWESOME Pledge and take it home.  Review it with your parents, and bring it in signed for credit.

When you have completed all four games you are ready to take the "Be Internet Awesome Pledge."  Please take some time over the next few days to download and print the pledge (see below).  This must be signed by you and a parent and returned for credit.  Make sure you show this site to your family so they can understand some of the ways to be safe online as well.   Good Luck!

Today students will be spending their time learning about online safety using the Be Internet Awesome curriculum online.  They should enter the room and review the primary website to complete the DO NOW Journal Response.  They should then vew the video on the site, and proceed to complete the INTERLAND online game.  They can proceed at their own pace through the material, and when complete they should plan to print the BE INTERNET AWESOME PLEDGE sheet and take it home.  Students should return the sheet signed by themselves and a parent for credit.


Students will work individually on the assigned projects. Students can discuss each part of the curriculum in groups, with partners, or on their own.  Students can be paired up to facilitate differentiation, and use any accommodation or computer-based application to have the online content read to them if they require it.

Standards Covered In This Class
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2019
PA CEW 2018 Standards

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lego Design/Build Reverse Engineering Project 19-20 S1

Image result for lego build contestStudents will be given a chance to create using legos during class.  Each student will have access to the "classroom pile" of legos.  Students will create something using only 50 legos.  Creations will be photographed.  Students will write a story about their creation to describe what their inspiration was, and what their project is/does.  There are no criteria for judging.

Students will then "recreate" their project in the Workshop.  By reverse-engineering this project, they will understand what it takes to look at a physical object and try to discover what parts were used to create it.  hey then have the ability to change the design online and try to find the parts in the inventory to "upgrade" their project.  Students should photograph each step of this learning process and create a Google Slide presentation showing all design steps, and include some conclusion for what their final object does/is.  Review of the Engineering design steps will help students match up the current lesson with prior knowledge, and each students should be able to present their project (informally) to the group.

Standards Analysis 19-20

Pennsylvania Career Education and Work (CEW) Standards
Self-Evaluation & Reflection Surveys

Students will be reviewing all class rules, syllabus, and requirements with their parent/guardian. During the next few days, students will take a battery of self-paced surveys designed to help them understand how they learn best, how they are motivated to complete work, and about some of the skills that make them unique and successful both in an out of the classroom. The following standards apply:

PA 13.1.8A Career Awareness and Preparation
Relate careers to individual interest, abilities, and aptitudes.

13.1.8G Create an individualized career plan including, but not limited to Assessments, Career Goals, individual interests and abilities, and Training/Education requirements.

General Computer-Based / Project Based Classroom Standards Met:

PA Common Core 8.5.6-8G: Integrate visual information (e.G. charts, graphs, maps, video, etc.) with other information in print or digital format.

ISTE 3.3A: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information, and other resources, for intellectual and other pursuits.

ISTE 3.3D: Students build knowledge by actively exploring real world issues and problems, developingideas, and pursuing answers and solutions.

CSTA Collaboration 1: Apply productivity/multimedia tools, and peripherals, to a group collaboration and supportlearning throughout the curriculum.

CSTA CPP1: Use advanced tools to create digital artifacts.

CSTA 2017 / NGSS 2016 / ISTE 2017
PDESAS.Org / Common Core Ties

Code.Org CS Discoveries Curriculum
Introduction to Problem Solving (Unit 1)

EAE / MS-ETS 1.1
SWBAT Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Independent Projects - Capstone Lesson

To begin with today, I would like you to go to TryEngineering.Org and play the "What Type Of Engineer Are You? Game" (Click Here).  This is a fun way for you to identify some types of careers, or education pathways and skills for specific engineering career-paths.

Subject: TryEngineering Response
Body of Email:  2-3 sentences explaining your findings, after completing the "game".  Please include the reason you think this exercise is accurate or not.  Explain what about the choices that were interesting for you?

You may spend time today reviewing this site, playing the games, and familiarizing yourself with these resources.

We will be discussing the Project / Research Topic decision making process today.  You will have a better idea of how to choose a topic, and what Engineering is all about!  Please watch the following video first:

Here is the link to the presentation from today's class to help you decide what research / Project topics to choose as we move forward:

When we are done with the presentation, you will begin your research process to complete the PROJECT FORM listed to the right (Critical Links Section).

Here is a fantastic resource for Middle School level RESEARCH:
See Me For Password Information!

You will need to get your projects approved prior to beginning them.  Next week we will be learning about websites, HTML and CSS.  You will be learning to code your own personal websites.  Eventually you will create websites about your projects and topics!

This is the FINAL PROJECT(S) for this class.  You should begin working on it as soon as you decide on a topic/problem/objective. You will use the EAE Project Proposal form (also a link located in the menu to the right) to outline a project to start the last unit for this class.  All project forms must be completed, printed, and approved prior to actually starting the project.  You should be using the Problem-Solving Steps.

You may focus on any topic or subject you wish.  It can be Engineering or Architectural in nature.  You may not even complete the project, but you will need to show how you followed the proper steps, located on the 2nd page of the Proposal Form, to Summarize your project.  You must list your teammates, resources, and outline the stages you propose to complete the project.

All of your effort after the proposal will be to complete as much of the project as you can.  You will need to be able to present your project (informally) to the class using a Google Slides presentation.  This presentation can include the items from the Project Proposal Form, but can also include a video, website, or other visual aides.

Your Independent Projects can be about any subject.  Please use the following link to help you narrow down your focus:

Finally,  you will need to make sure that you make a model, drawing, diagram, or some other physical example of the work you are doing.  Make sure that this step is approved prior to starting it.  You will be able to use any resources from the Tech Lab, and ask if you have additional questions or concerns.

Good Luck!

Mr. S

Monday, November 4, 2019

What's So Cool About Manufacturing Video Contest - Preparation

The annual What’s So Cool About Manufacturing? video contests excite students to explore cool manufacturing careers and produce profiles of companies throughout Pennsylvania. The teams of students and teacher coaches receive camera equipment and professional guidance as they learn to script, record, and edit their video stories.

Image result for whatssocool image

The 2020 What’s So Cool About Manufacturing? contest for Chester and Delaware counties is produced by the Manufacturing Alliance of Chester and Delaware Counties in Exton, PA.

Students will familiarize themselves with all equipment, research the company we are visiting, discuss different audio/video needs, and complete a "mock" visit in the technology lab to simulate a visit to the manufacturer.

Pre-Production is all about planning! There are many things to consider during the preparation stage of your project.


Early Preparation - What is the vision?  What content will be included, and who will appear in the video?  Production Team assignments and division of labor.

Equipment Check & Familiarization:  GoPro digital cameras, DSLR camera, Microphones / Audio / Voice Recorder, Batteries, Digital Memory Cards, Safety, Tripods and other gear.

• Learn about the people and the settings you are going to visit before you arrive at the location.
• Determine rules and conditions and dress appropriately.

• In order to begin the scheduling process for your shoot, you will need a contact person at the location. Make it a goal to establish a positive rapport and be considerate of their time.

 Interview Questions
• Remember that good interviews start with good questions!
• Yourinterviewquestionsshouldalwaysrelatetoyour central message.

Shot List:
  Wide Shot / Medium Shot / Close-Up

• Remember that doing anything well is a process.  Challenges may arise and plans may change last minute, so successful producers always have a Plan A and a solid Plan B.

• Your team should practice shooting interviews and B-Roll before going to your location.

• Editing your practice material will help your shooting skills - the best camera people are editors first.

• See the Practice Activity in the Appendices.

• Rememberyourprojectgoals.

• Stay positive!

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