Tuesday, August 29, 2017

CSD: What is a Computer? U1L04


Students will be able to:

  • Identify a computer as a machine that processes information
  • Provide a high level description of the different parts of the Input - Output - Store - Process model of a computer
What Makes A Computer A Computer? (Click Here for Video)

What Is The Internet? (Click Here for Video)

The Internet: Wires, Cables, and Wifi! (Click Here For Video)


In this lesson students develop a preliminary definition of a computer. To begin the lesson, the class will brainstorm possible definitions for a computer and place the results of this brainstorm on the board. Next, students will work in groups to sort pictures into “is a computer” or “is not a computer” on poster paper. Groups will place their posters around the room and briefly explain their motivations for choosing some of their most difficult categorizations. The teacher will then introduce a definition of the computer and allow students to revise their posters according to the new definition.


This lesson serves as a transition out of the first chapter of Unit 1 and into the second chapter. Up until now, students have considered the potential of computers as problem solving devices, but not established what a computer actually is. In this lesson, students will consider different types of computers and that these computers input, store, process, and output information as part of the problem solving process. Upcoming lessons will dive much deeper into what an information problem looks like and how computers solve these problems.


CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards

CS - Computing Systems
  • 1B-CS-01 - Describe how internal and external parts of computing devices function to form a system.

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