Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Design A Room - Independent Practice Project

This project combines our learning about Drawing-to-Scale, and space planning from the Closet Design Project.  You will be required to measure, design, specify, and price all of the items required to update a room of your choice.  You can work on a room from your own home, or choose one of the offices/classrooms here at school.

Choosing your own room allows you to make all the decisions involved in the design and implementation of this project.  Choosing a room at school will require you to interview the room's owner and use their ideas to create your vision of how the room could be utilized.

STEP 1:  View the Video below and choose the room you will be working on.

Video: Design The Perfect Room

STEP 2:  Measure the Room:  Spend time measuring and recording the dimensions of the room you are re-creating.  Make sure to record all of the interior dimensions.  Specifically measure all doors, windows, fixtures, architectural features, outlets, and any other items in the room.  You will also need to note where they are placed in the room, and the distance to the nearest corner.  Make detailed drawings so you can transfer your sketch into the FloorPlanner Application on Google Chrome.

STEP 3:  Transfer your sketch to FloorPlanner App on Google Chrome.  Make sure you include all architectural features and note any new, or additional items you would include as a result of the design process.  Be prepared to explain design choices and specific placement of all items of both structural and design elements used in your floor plan.  https://floorplanner.com/

STEP 4:  Create a complete list of all items to be purchased (Specification List).  There is no specific budget for this project.  You may choose any items you wish to make your room/project GREAT!  You may not "invent" items that do not already exist.  You must include the following in your Specification List:

  • Flooring - Carpeting/Tile/Wood, etc.  This must be specified by square footage.  You need to list the type of flooring you would use, the amount needed, and it must be listed and priced by whatever normal commercially available packaging is available.

    Example:  Carpet is only available in specific size rolls and by square foot. You need to find out if you would need multiple sections to fill the space, and try to minimize waste or overspending.  Flooring is generally sold by the tile, or specific boxes contain specific amounts.  Vendors generally do not allow you to break a box without paying for all of it.
  • Electronics / Appliances:  DO NOT SPECIFY MORE THAN THE NUMBER OF OUTLETS YOU HAVE.  Make sure you insure that you have adequate room for ventilation or other requirements.
  • Furniture:  All items need to be placed in your space, and sized correctly.  Make sure you review your space planning and place items to scale in your drawings.
  • Cabinetry/Doors/Windows:  These items must be priced and specified according to a Home Depot/Lowes Home Improvement store product.  Please make sure that you are pricing specific styles and quality levels.
  • Paint/Wall-Covering:  You must plan to buy and paint all of the walls you are working with.  Make sure to specify both Primer and Topcoat.  You must estimate the amount of paint required.

    Here is a cool resource to help with color matching from onscreen to paint: EASYRGB
STEP 5:  Price List:  Please make a detailed schedule of the cost of all of your items.  You will not be responsible for pricing LABOR or Project Management fees for Contractors for this project.  Make sure to include all items above, and specific details of where you can buy all of your items.

STEP 6:  PRESENTATION:  This is your final step.  Prepare a presentation about your project as if you needed to get the approval of the Room Owner!  If you worked on a project at home, you must prepare the Presentation for whomever owns the home to "approve" (Parents, etc.).  If you are working on a project here at school, the Presentation must be prepared for the Owner of the room.  (Principal, Teacher, etc.).  Use Google Slides to create the presentation.  Make sure you use screenshots (snipping tool on Windows) or graphic exports of your FloorPlanner layout to include pictures of your drawing with accurate dimension.  This presentation will be given to the class to conclude your project.  Be prepared to share out at all levels of completion.

Good Luck!

- Mr. S


Justify design solutions through the use of research documentation and analysis of data.

Interpret basic elements of an architectural drawing (e.g., title block information, dimensions, annotations, line types, and schedules)

Measure and calculate distance, object size, area, and volume

Prepare sketches using appropriate scale and proportions

Annotate sketches legibly using an appropriate architectural lettering style

Utilize spatial reasoning techniques to solve design problems

Utilize Basic Computer Design & IT Skills to create a digitally produced floorplan

Utilize architectural terminology in presentations Prepare design ideas for presentation Perform a visual and verbal presentation utilizing physical and digital work


Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well reasoned exchange of ideas.

Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation

Follow precisely a complex mult-istep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text.

Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects.

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