To begin with today, I would like you to go to TryEngineering.Org and play the "What Type Of Engineer Are You? Game" (Click Here). This is a fun way for you to identify some types of careers, or education pathways and skills for specific engineering career-paths.
You may spend time today reviewing this site, playing the games, and familiarizing yourself with these resources. Please CREATE a GOOGLE DOCUMENT, and name it as listed below:
"EAE Journal (Your Last Name) P3 MP3"
Make sure you SHARE your new document with Mr. S ( for credit. You will be keeping a log of your experiences, data, and projects in this journal during this class. Get in the habit of making an entry every day (or two) just to keep track of what you are doing in here. List projects, data, experiences from class, and anything else you would like to share.
This is the FINAL PROJECT for this class. You should begin working on it as soon as you You will use the form (located in the menu to the right) to outline a project to start the last unit for this class. All project forms must be completed, printed, and approved prior to actually starting the project. You should be using the Problem-Solving Steps.
You may focus on any topic or subject you wish. It can be Engineering or Architectural in nature. You may not even complete the project, but you will need to show how you followed the proper steps, located on the 2nd page of the Proposal Form, to Summarize your project. You must list your teammates, resources, and outline the stages you propose to complete the project.
All of your effort after the proposal will be to complete as much of the project as you can. You will need to be able to present your project to the class using a Google Slides presentation. This presentation can must include the items from the Project Proposal Form, but can also include a video, website, or other visual aides.
Your Independent Projects can be about any subject. Please use the following link to help you narrow down your focus:
Finally, you will need to make sure that you make a model, drawing, diagram, or some other physical example of the work you are doing. Make sure that this step is approved prior to starting it. You will be able to use any resources from the Tech Lab, and ask if you have additional questions or concerns.
Good Luck!
Mr. S