Thursday, September 20, 2018

MATH, ELA, & READING HELP FOR ALL: "Getting Better All The Time!"

In an attempt to help ALL of our students here at the CCS-515 building, I want to make sure you know about, and use, the following resources:

STEAM-E CLASS CODE:  plastic-stand

Quill provides free writing and grammar activities for 
elementary, middle, and high school students.

Image result for Vocabulary com logo combines the world's smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

STEAM-E Class Link:

Click the link above to go to READTHEORY.ORG.  
Create a Student Account using your CCS Gmail address.  Click on the Teachers tab,

Add Mr. Scribner (,
Complete the Pre-Test.  

Once completed, you can go to this site to read and respond to different prompts according to your individual reading levels.  As you progress, you will gradually have the reading level raised, and you will improve your comprehension.  According to the website,7.4 Million students have completed 130 million quizzes on this site (to date).

Students will Create and Account on  Make sure you use your CCS Gmail Account.  Get the Class Code from Mr. Scribner to join the class for the period you are in the Technology Lab.

NoRedInk helps students practice their grammar and writing skills. Students work with engaging and often humorous sentences that incorporate their favorite characters, musicians, athletes, books, movies, sports teams, and celebrities.

Sumdog is a highly engaging games-based learning service to help students practice their numeracy and literacy.  Designed to supplement teaching, it motivates students by adapting to each child's level.  Sumdog works both on internet browsers and apps on iOS, Android and Kindle.  Sumdog has been developed with the help of teachers and educational experts around the world.

Student Log-In Information for CCS-515:
     Username:  Student ID# (Lunch Pin)
     Password:  ccs515
     School Code:  collegiumcs

Our research methodologies include:
  • Working with experienced educationalists to develop Sumdog's pedagogy
  • Regular focus groups among teachers, students, and parents, to refine existing features and develop new ones
  • Ongoing user research questionnaires, conducted both by telephone and online
  • Curriculum alignment with detailed consultation from independent experts
  • Data analysis to refine educational algorithms and site user experience.
The diagnostic test will place students in the correct grade/year level based on their ability. They will then be asked questions from this grade/year level. This means each student will be answering questions according to their ability.

To do this, Sumdog needs to get to know the students' strengths and weaknesses.  This is done with our diagnostic test which runs automatically the first time students play Sumdog.

During the test, the games run as normal. Students may get asked tricky questions, as we check what level they've reached. Please ask them not to worry. They should simply guess answers: the learning engine will understand what's happening, and place them in the correct level.

Once the diagnostic test is complete, we'll reward students with their first pet.

Students in CSA and STEAM-E will Create and Account on  Once created, they will progress through various challenges (grade-level-specific), and improve their Math Skills.  This resource can be used anytime, anywhere with access to the website.  Specific Class Codes will be 

Prodigy is a free to use, curriculum-aligned, adaptive, online, RPG (Role Playing Game) style video game. Join 800,000 teachers and over 28 million registered students throughout 2800+ school districts in using the game that will revolutionize the way you approach math instruction!

Featuring over 50,000 questions spanning Grades 1 - 8 in 6 different curricula, players will get to watch their very own wizard grow stronger, learn new spells and acquire new equipment while facing ever more powerful opponents, all by answering math questions!

What does all that mean? Let us break it down for you:  (Click Here For Information)

Students in CSA and STEAM-E will be joining Khan Academy to work independently on their MATH skills, by grade.

Everyone at Collegium (Building 515) will use their GMail Account to create an Account on KhanAcademy.Org

Make sure that you finish updating your profile once you sign in. 
Go to your Profile screen and ADD Mr. Scribner as a Coach by entering the Khan Academy Class Code Below!

Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with!

Khan Academy Class Tutor Code 

Use the link above to visit the Beta Version of  Create an Account using a Username (First Name Initial and Last Name), and enter a Password you can remember.  Then click on "Groups" and enter the following code to join the CCS-515 Group:  Group code: 2FXTSTBV

Start Answering Questions!  Track Your Achievements!

Earn The Badges!  HAVE FUN!

Freerice is a 100% non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme.

Freerice has two goals:

  • Provide education to everyone for free.  
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
Each time you answer a question right, the banner ad that you see generates enough money for the World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice to help reach Zero Hunger.

Image result for littlealchemy2 logo

Little Alchemy 2 (2017) is a crafting game enjoyed by millions of players. It features hundreds of items, fresh art style and charming music.  Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover exciting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge library!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

What School's Could Be...(Constructed Response)

Thank You for being mature, young-adults while I am away from class. Please enter the room quietly, and read ALL THE DIRECTIONS listed below. Get right to work, and follow all the rules, as outlined in the syllabus. I truly appreciate that I can be out of town (family wedding), and know that you are all doing the right thing, acting with PRIDE, and being respectful of my room, and the people around you!

If you have not yet joined the Schoology Course, but already have an account, here is the code:


Great Job So Far!


Mr. S


Please review the following video and respond in the comment section of Schoology with a Constructed Response of 4-5 Sentences using the R.A.C.E. Method (R - Restate the Question, A - Answer the Question, C - Cite your Evidence, E - Explain your Evidence).

If you are interested in more articles, projects, and learning about this, please visit the following website:

After you have completed this "mini-project", you may then continue working on your Design-An-Application Project with your partner.  If you have completed that, you may work on your Individual Project, or Project Proposal for another idea.  You may also work on something for another class, homework, or the Code.Org Express Course.  If all else fails, you should be on (Tutorial Only),  or Khan Academy working on an independent course.  You may listen to music quietly while you work, but do not get caught watching videos (Youtube), or playing games.  See you Tuesday! 

Note: If you have not joined Schoology yet, here are Step-by-Step Directions


Step 1:  Go to

Step 2:  Click on "Sign Up"

Step 3:  Click on "Student" from the drop-down list.

Step 4:  Enter the following Course Code:  XHCNZ-ZVTDW

Step 5:  Enter First Name, Last Name, CCS Email Address, a PASSWORD you can remember, and enter the PASSWORD again in the Confirm Password Box, your Birthday, and click the BOX to agree with Terms and Policies.

Step 6:  Review the Course Updates so far, and comment on the ones that have questions.  Make sure you remember you passwords.  We will be using this as a way to discuss issues, articles, and videos online, and sharing responses.  You can also send email responses if you do not want to share them publicly.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Design-An-App Project - U1L09 CS Discoveries S1 18-19


To conclude their study of the problem solving process and the input/output/store/process model of a computer, students will propose an app designed to solve a real world problem. This project will be completed across multiple days and will result in students creating a poster highlighting the features of their app that they will present to their classmates. A project guide provides step by step instructions for students and helps them organize their thoughts. The project is designed to be completed in pairs though it can be completed individually.


This project combines the two major themes of Unit 1, problem solving, and the input-output-store-process model of a computer. This project ties both themes to a broader goal of identifying real world problems and finding ways to use technology to help solve them. Students collaborate in the creation of their app and also take part in a structured peer review process that they will see many more times throughout the course. This project should be a fun and creative experience as well, and gives students a chance to tie the field of computer science to their own interests and ambitions.


CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards

AP - Algorithms & Programming
  • 2-AP-10 - Use flowcharts and/or pseudocode to address complex problems as algorithms.
  • 2-AP-15 - Seek and incorporate feedback from team members and users to refine a solution that meets user needs.
  • 2-AP-18 - Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts.
CS - Computing Systems
  • 2-CS-02 - Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.
RUBRIC: Where did you see Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Problem-Solving,
and Persistence as you created your new Application?  Be prepared to show these in your
presentation as a self-critique with the class.  Use the Rubric Criteria below to refine your
ideas, and the final project prior to the presentation.
The problem is well-defined, including a target audience, details of the problem, and how to tell it has been solved.

The app is clearly described including what it does and why someone would use it.

The outputs of the app are clearly described and could be used to address the problem.

The inputs of the app could be used to produce the outputs.

The way that the information is processed to produce the output is clearly described.

Stored information is listed and is appropriate for the functionality of the app.

The peer review provides useful and constructive feedback.

Peer review feedback has clearly been incorporated into the final version of the project.

The final presentation includes all information required by the project guide.

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes, contact us.

CSED Week 2018 Padlet

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