Thursday, September 13, 2018

What School's Could Be...(Constructed Response)

Thank You for being mature, young-adults while I am away from class. Please enter the room quietly, and read ALL THE DIRECTIONS listed below. Get right to work, and follow all the rules, as outlined in the syllabus. I truly appreciate that I can be out of town (family wedding), and know that you are all doing the right thing, acting with PRIDE, and being respectful of my room, and the people around you!

If you have not yet joined the Schoology Course, but already have an account, here is the code:


Great Job So Far!


Mr. S


Please review the following video and respond in the comment section of Schoology with a Constructed Response of 4-5 Sentences using the R.A.C.E. Method (R - Restate the Question, A - Answer the Question, C - Cite your Evidence, E - Explain your Evidence).

If you are interested in more articles, projects, and learning about this, please visit the following website:

After you have completed this "mini-project", you may then continue working on your Design-An-Application Project with your partner.  If you have completed that, you may work on your Individual Project, or Project Proposal for another idea.  You may also work on something for another class, homework, or the Code.Org Express Course.  If all else fails, you should be on (Tutorial Only),  or Khan Academy working on an independent course.  You may listen to music quietly while you work, but do not get caught watching videos (Youtube), or playing games.  See you Tuesday! 

Note: If you have not joined Schoology yet, here are Step-by-Step Directions


Step 1:  Go to

Step 2:  Click on "Sign Up"

Step 3:  Click on "Student" from the drop-down list.

Step 4:  Enter the following Course Code:  XHCNZ-ZVTDW

Step 5:  Enter First Name, Last Name, CCS Email Address, a PASSWORD you can remember, and enter the PASSWORD again in the Confirm Password Box, your Birthday, and click the BOX to agree with Terms and Policies.

Step 6:  Review the Course Updates so far, and comment on the ones that have questions.  Make sure you remember you passwords.  We will be using this as a way to discuss issues, articles, and videos online, and sharing responses.  You can also send email responses if you do not want to share them publicly.

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