Lesson 3: Intro to HTML
Web Lab
In this lesson students are introduced HTML as a solution to the problem of how to communicate both the content and structure of a website to a computer. The lesson begins with a brief unplugged activity demonstrating the challenges of effectively communicating the structure of a web page. Students then look at an exemplar HTML page in Web Lab and discuss with their classmates how HTML tags help solve this problem. Students then write their first HTML. A wrap-up discussion helps to solidify the understanding of content vs. structure that was developed throughout the lesson.
This lesson introduces many new concepts and tools to students. They are introduced to HTML, the Web Lab tool, and how to navigate lesson resources on Code.org in general. While the understanding of HTML as a way to communicate the structure of a web page is a critical learning objective, this lesson has students do minimal programming since there are many other new ideas and tools to grasp. In the next lesson students will have more time to spend programming in HTML.
- Warm Up (10 mins)
- The Need for HTML
- Activity (30 minutes)
- Exploring HTML
- Wrap Up (5 minutes)
- Reflection
- HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, a language used to create web pages
- HTML Element - A piece of a website, marked by a start tag and often closed with an end tag
- HTML Tag - The special set of characters that indicates the start and end of an HTML element and that element's type
- Website Content - The raw text, images, and other elements included in a web page
- Website Structure - The purpose of different pieces of content in a web page, used to help the computer determine how that content should be displayed