Wednesday, December 5, 2018

CS Education Week 2018 - CS Discoveries Unit 2 - Lesson 4: Headings in HTML

In this lesson, students continue to use HTML to structure text on web pages, this time with headings. Students learn how the different heading elements are displayed by default and practice using them to create page and section titles. Students then start to decide how they will organize their content on their own personal web pages. In the last level, students begin the project that they will continue to work on throughout the unit.

Web Lab


In this lesson, students continue to use HTML to structure text on web pages, this time with headings. Students learn how the different heading elements are displayed by default and practice using them to create page and section titles. Students then start to decide how they will organize their content on their own personal web pages. In the last level, students begin the project that they will continue to work on throughout the unit.


This lesson introduces the heading tags that students will use in their pages for the rest of the unit. It also reinforces the general structure of HTML (opening tag / content / closing tag) so that students are ready to begin adding their own content in the project.
The personal web page that students work on at the end of the lesson will follow them throughout the unit. As they learn more HTML and CSS, they will improve the page, adding images, colors, and different fonts. This lesson is a chance for them to start the page, knowing that they will continue to improve it over the next few weeks.


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Students will be able to:

  • Use heading tags to change the appearance of text on a web page.
  • Structure content into headings, subheadings, and paragraphs.


  • Heading - A title or summary for a document or section of a document.

Introduced Code

Goal: The goal of this discussion is to review the tags that students saw in the previous lesson.
  • <!DOCTYPE html> - Tells the computer that this is a document written in HTML
  • <html> - Indicates the beginning of your code written in HTML
  • <head> - Contains information (sometimes called "metadata") about your web page
  • <body> - Contains all the main content of your web page
  • <p> - Defines a paragraph

Standards Alignment

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CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)

AP - Algorithms & Programming

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